An Overview of Prenatal Care

When a woman is expecting, pregnancy care is extremely important to both the mom and baby. These regular checkups help monitor the baby’s development, allow for routine testing and help prevent potential problems. Prenatal care appointments are also an ideal time for new moms-to-be to address any issues they may be experiencing, as well as to discuss the birthing plan for the baby. Board certified OBGYN, Dr. Dennis Eisenberg specializes in prenatal care and is available to assist expecting women living in the Plano, Frisco and Dallas, Texas communities.

Why Prenatal Care is Important

Proper pregnancy care is essential to staying healthy when expecting. With regular visits, a physician has the ability to monitor the baby’s development while addressing any potential complications. Many women have questions during each month of their pregnancy, and these visits allow scheduled times to discuss any issues and to answer questions.

Physicians are often able to spot health issues early when mothers follow a prenatal care schedule. Early diagnosis allows treatment to begin as quickly as possible in order to cure many problems and prevent other problems. It is reported expecting mothers who do not receive adequate pregnancy care place their babies at three times a higher risk for low birth rate and five times higher rate for death. With these statistics, it is easy to see why prenatal care is important from the beginning to end of pregnancy.

A Common Pregnancy Care Schedule

If a woman believes she is pregnant, or knows she is pregnant, it is time to contact an OBGYN.

During the first visit women can expect:

  • A thorough medical review on previous pregnancies, pregnancy test date, etc.
  • A physical examination that includes a pelvic exam and/or pap smear
  • Detailed lab testing to detect any infections or health conditions
  • An ultrasound to confirm expected due date
  • A set of guidelines on vitamins, medicines, etc.

Following the first visit, routine pregnancy care visits are scheduled in order to help provide optimal health for both the mother and baby. Typical visits include:

  • 12 weeks- First trimester screening, lab work, urine and blood pressure checks and heartbeat monitoring with Doppler
  • 16 weeks- Urine and blood pressure checks, heartbeat monitoring and blood draw for optional Open Neural Tube screening
  • 20 weeks- Urine and blood pressure checks and full anatomy ultrasound
  • 24 weeks- Urine and blood pressure checks, heartbeat monitoring, glucose testing and tour of preferred birthing center
  • 28 weeks- Heartbeat monitoring, blood pressure and urine checks and glucose testing, if not performed at previous prenatal care appointment
  • 30, 32 and 34 weeks- Urine and blood pressure checks, heartbeat monitoring and measurements of uterus size
  • 36 weeks- Lab work, vaginal swab to test for Group B Strep bacteria, cervix check and delivery plan discussion

For additional information on prenatal care visits, or to begin your pregnancy care, please contact the office of Dr. Dennis Eisenberg, board certified OBGYN in the Plano, Frisco and Dallas, Texas area.